Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bet sizing

The basic principle is to give the other player's decision is as difficult as possible. This game is aggressive, and results in the maximum number of errors by the other player, then the maximum benefit to you. With a bad player, you can try them instead of what should be an easy decision as I hoped to be wrong. This is more profitable to give them a tough decision, because a difficult decision usually does not cost them less than a simple mistake. But the good players always easy to get the right decisions, we must give them some tough decisions to make.

Note that I mean the decision pure bet size here. You've chosen your basic strategy. For example, sixth street and show you three hearts, while the other player combined his first card. Do you think you have a set, and nine of the thirty-six letters have not seen him give a full house.

Think about this and decides to go all-in on the river, if you have or not the color or get one. Do you think going to call the house if it gets full, and fold if it does not work. Because you will get more information from the next letter you want, you want more money in the pot now. But since 75% chance of winning, you want to call your bet.

If the figures for the same position he does, has a 25% chance of winning the pot on top of the stack and a 75% chance of losing a bet you should call now. That boat is $ 2,000 and your carpet is $ 10,000 and hers is bigger. 25% chance of winning $ 12,000 is worth $ 3,000, which is the same as the 75% chance of losing $ 4,000. So if you bet $ 4,000, which was a difficult decision. If you check or bet small amounts, was an easy decision, and also whether it is all in now.

Of course, poker is always more complicated than that. Perhaps she already has a full house, or maybe just a couple. Maybe she did not think you have a hidden heart. Maybe she is lean, or too shy to have a chance. All sorts of other considerations apply, so rarely have a mathematical calculation as in the example above.

The idea is to first put in place, the bet size has little to do with your hand or what you think of the hand has everything to do with what you think of your hand. Secondly you think about how you expected to play the hand, and on the basis that, this challenge gives the most difficult decision now.

For each bet size should be at least two possible meanings, if you put your hand reveals. So you can not think only this time, you have to think about anything else you might have that you want to make the same bet, but you want to take a different decision.

To this effect, you can divide things in half the size of the pot, pot size, the Paris of two or three times the pot, and especially in Paris. Suppose the other player folds over the fraction of time the bet is a fraction of the pot plus the bet is the third time in half-pot size bet half the time as pot and so on. This means you get the full value of your bet times equity, never wins the clash. This would mean that you're too tight, you have to add hands to bet smaller. If a fraction of the value is reduced to less than half of the above, it certainly can improve their profits by adding more high hands.

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